
TSENA MALALAKA: a large area of exchange and encounter.

Who are the current members?

While everybody has access to "Tsena malalaka“ on its Internet-Website, there are discussions and exchanges in the huts with their specific themes which are open only to the inhabitants - members. As a member you can propose projects and take fully part. You are connected to an intercontinental net of women theologians and get specific information.

Who can become a member?

Every African or European or...woman theologian, who

  • has earned a diploma in theological studies
  • is able to express herself in English and/or French
  • has submitted a short written text outlining her "profile“ and explaining the reasons for being interested in the exchange
  • is introduced by a women who already is a member


It is recommended to new members to pay a contribution to the association funds Tsena malalaka (between 5 to 50 Euros). An optional annual renewal of this amount is welcome.

Quality of exchange

We seek to ensure that the proportion of members from Africa and from Europe remains about half/half. Tsena Malalaka is looking for quality of exchange and the possibility of personal contacts. We do not aspire to grow just in number.