Fifamè Fidèle Houssou-Gandonou
I am Fifamè Fidèle HOUSSOU-GANDONOU, born on 23 April 1974 in Cotonou, Beninese. I am married and mother of a boy. I like the household that is my natural passion, and also reading, exchanges and especially life in community. I am not of a calm nature but I like to be stimulated to show my potential. I studied theology in Porto-Novo (Benin), Yaoundé (Cameroon) and Paris (France). I am a pastor of the Protestant Methodist Church of Benin (EPMB) and holds a doctorate in theology (feminist ethics: the objective pursued in my research is to entrench feminism in Benin using ethical tools. I try to use ethical tools to demonstrate the validity of feminism).
My thesis was published in the edition Globethics under the title: The ethical foundations of feminism: a reflection from the African context.
Member of the Circle of Concerned African Theologians; I am also a trainer in Animation and Applied Bible Studies. A parish priest and a teacher at the Protestant University of West Africa, I am currently Regional Coordinator for the Campaign on Food Security in the Association of Councils of Churches in West Africa in Lomé / Togo. My interest in Tsena Malalaka lies in my passion for exchanges. This is an opportunity for me to exchange with the other sisters and to share what each of us shares as a life experience, especially in the theological and other fields.