
📰 News


Empowering Women Theologians

Tsena Malalaka is taking action to offer a few women theologians from African and European contexts the opportunity to attend an international conference. We plan to offer them an enriching experience that will foster their professional development and enable them to make a significant contribution to their fields of expertise.

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We resume the discussion about Racism

We are delighted to resume our discussion on "Racism and Dignity," and what a wonderful opportunity to do so on the International Women's Day!

In this regard, here is what two of us have said in their texts, what do you think: "The fact that I had virtually no African American colleagues at the time was a symptom of American racism. Biblical studies were not exempt. On the contrary, when I started my studies, biblical studies were 'whiter' and 'more masculine' than some other disciplines." (Tania - Zurich, Switzerland)

"Reflecting on these experiences, I understood why Whites, Indians, and people of color were absent from the University, especially when I was a student. Yet, they were part of university life as students and professors." (Elizabeth - Harare, Zimbabwe)

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Some Tsena Malalaka members in Karslruhe

The General Assembly of the World Council of Churches (WCC) took place in Karlsruhe, Germany, from August 31st to September 8th, 2022. Some members of Tsena Malalaka participated in it.

The theme of the assembly was: "The love of Christ leads the world to reconciliation and unity." Here is the address by the president, Dr. Agnes Abuom, on this theme: "Witnessing Together to Christ's Compassionate Love"

Discussion about Racism

Let us discuss the burning issue of racism. We have approached this subject in various ways, sometimes for a long time. Today, with #Black_lives_matter, the issue of racism takes a center stage in a range of public speeches. We believe our network can contribute to these debates. Initially, each member of Tsena Malalaka will share questions and experiences that could help us gain a deeper intercultural understanding of the issue of racism as it affects our lives and our work contexts as theologians. Subsequently, we will be able to continue in a different format based on the results of the first part.

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One-to-one talk chain

Our life contexts are very different. What is the influence of our context on our theologies, and how do we influence our context?

To better understand this, we are creating this One-to-One Talk Chain.

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New book

“Beginning is one thing, and going on is something else” Women’s spaces in Swiss Church and society from 1958 until today 

The second Swiss Exhibition for Women's Work (SAFFA) in Zurich in 1958 was not simply "a pretty, colourful show with lots of cozy, feminine trappings". The Saffa 58 was also the founding site of the ecumenical women's movement in German-speaking Switzerland. The first part of this book deals with the intertwining of the church and secular women's movement and the theologians Ruth Epting, Else Kähler and Marga Bührig. 

The "Saffa Church" was a women's space in which religious women discovered a new language for themselves. Marga Bührig and Else Kähler developed these experiences further at the Evangelical Conference Center Boldern, where they entered into an exchange with younger women. The second part of the book is dedicated to the women's movement as a "women's tradition" and the inter-generational conversation as it is cultivated today in the Frauen*Zentrum (Women*sCenter in Zurich). 

The book can be ordered in all bookstores or contact directly Evelyne Zinsstag 

Visitors from Nairobi and Zimbabwe 

Around the weekend of March 8, Tsena Malalaka members Brigitte Rabarijaona, Elizabeth Vengeyi and her husband Obvious Vengeyi, and Nirina Rakotomalala  came to Zurich and took part in several meetings. 

Celebration of Tsena Malalaka's 10th anniversary on March 7th

It was in the old church of Zurich-Fluntern that we met for a moment of sharing - a little limited because of the CoronaVirus. New connections and relationships were built. 

Participation in the World Day of Prayer: Liturgy from Zimbabwe

Elizabeth Vengeyi, a Zimbabwean member of Tsena Malalaka, participated in the World Day of Prayer on March 6th, where she talked about her country. 


Meeting of some Tsena Malalaka members 

Meeting of some Tsena Malalaka members from Switzerland and Madagascar on November 21st, 2019, in Zurich 

Tsena Malalaka Intercultural Seminar, 16-23 September 2019 Ambolonkandrina, Antananarivo, Madagascar

The Marga Bührig Prize for 2019

The Marga Bührig Prize for 2019 was awarded to the theologians Evelyne Zinsstag, member of Tsena Malalaka, and Milena Heusser. The presentation of the prize took place on 25 October in Basel. Congratulations!

(for more information:


Intercultural seminar  for African and European women theologians 

The date of the intercultural seminar  for African and European women theologians is approaching, it will be in less than a year. We had a preparatory meeting on Monday, November 12, 2018 in Zurich. 

To date, we have collected 19 interesting themes. There are still a few places left. If you are interested in participating, please contact us.

Tsena Malalaka Members Meeting

On Monday, February 26, 2018, a meeting of some Tsena Malalaka members took place in Zurich to discuss about the preparation of an intercultural seminar to be held in Madagascar in September 2019. The details of this seminar will be communicated later. 


Marga Bührig Award 2017

On Saturday 04 November 2017, the Marga Bührig Award 2017. ceremony was held in Basel for our book "Nous avons un desir -There is something we long for" which has won over the jury through its intercultural and intercontinental dialogue, its "womanist"/ "feminist" commitment/ "commitment of women" and its ecumenical character. Ten of the authors were present: Verena Naegeli, Josée Ngalula, Ina Praetorius, Brigitte Rabarijaona, Léocadie Aurélie Billy, Pia Moser, Heidrun Suter-Richter, Evelyne Zinsstag, Christine Lienemann and Nyambura Njoroge, and also our graphic artist, anna deoul. 

Commissionning worship of the "new executive committee" 

On September 25th, 2017, there was a commissionning worship of the "new executive committee" (board) of the reformed Church of Madagascar (FJKM), in Antananarivo. Tsena Malalaka-member Juliette Razafiarisoa was appointed to be the officiant.

Marga Bührig Award 2017 

Marga Bührig Award 2017: Our book "Nous avons un désir - There is Something We Long For" is the winner of the Marga Bührig Award 2017. The prize will be awarded officially on the occasion of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Marga Bührig Foundation on Saturday, November 04th 2017 at 02h00 pm at the headquarters of Mission 21 in Basel, Switzerland.

The book will be presented at DenkBar, Gallusstr. 11 in St. Gall on Sunday, November 5th at 1:45 pm. More about the Award...

Friends meet Sister Léocadie Aurélie Billy

On June 30, 2017 Ina Praetorius, Heidrun Suter-Richter and Verena Naegeli have met Sister Léocadie Aurélie Billy in Strasbourg where she is for a certain period before returning to Togo. It was a nice meeting among Tsena Malalaka members. The community of Léocadie, who lives and works in the "maison de diocèse",was very welcoming! Thanks also to Sister Régine. 

International conference

From June 5 - 9, 2017 Tsena Malalaka member Fidèle Houssou Gandonou from Benin has participated to an international conference in Switzerland and Germany organized relating to the 500 years of Reformation ( Tsena Malalaka member Ina Praetorius from Switzerland has met her at that occasion. 

Book presentation

During the workshop on holistic development and the integral mission of the Church organized by SECAAR (network of Churches and Christian organizations in Africa and Europe) on  May 19th, 2017, Fidèle Houssou Gandonou, Tsena Malalaka member, presented the book "There is Something We Long For" and talked about the vision of the African and European theologians gathered in Tsena Malalaka. 

Friends meet Brigitte Rabarijaona

On Saturday before Easter, the 15th of April 2017, some friends of Tsena Malalaka-member Brigitte Rabarijaona met her in Zurich where she made a short stop. 

Our book is travelling through the continents and is meeting many people 

And many more readers in  Argentina, Austria, Bénin, Belgium, Botswana, Cameroon, Canada, Congo-Kinshasa, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Kenya, Kurdistan, Madagascar, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, United Kingdom, USA, Vatican, Zimbabwe,... 

People are talking about our book and recommend it:


Launching of our book in Lausanne

Launching of the book Nous avons un désir -There is Something we long in Lausanne CH, on Thursday, May 12, 2016 at 06.00 pm 

Launching of the book in Basel

Launching of the book Nous avons un désir -There is Something we long in Basel on Wedensday, May 11, 2016 at 07.00 pm 

Launching of the book in Lucerne

Launching of the book Nous avons un désir -There is Something we long in Lucerne, CH, Romero Haus on Monday, May 09, 2016 at 06.30 pm 

Launching of the book in Madagascar

Verena Naegeli, Tsena Malalaka Member has been travelling in Madagascar. She has taken part in the launching of the book "Nous avons un désir - There is Something we long for" in the Faculty of Theology  of Ambatonakanga Antananarivo on Wednesday April 13 2016 at 2.30 PM. Four of the authors of the book :  Yvette Rabemila, Juliette Razafiarisoa, Brigitte Rabarijaona, et Verena Naegeli  were  present at this event  

The first presentation of our book 

On March 8, 2016, at womens day, the first presentation of our book "There is something we long for - Nous avons un désir - takes place in Kinshasa, DRC!

Josée Ngalula, co-editor and Tsena Malalaka-member is there. 


First copies of our book

December 7, 2015: First copies of our book "There is Something we long for - Nous avons un désir" have travelled from Kinshasa to Zurich (passing by Wattwil!) and were welcomed by   Ina Praetorius, Heidrun Suter-Richter, Verena Mühlethaler, Evelyne Zinsstag, Verena Naegeli. Brigitte Rabarijaona from Antananarivo was present by Skype. 

We publish our first book

We publish our first book: "Nous avons un désir. There is Something we long for", a Tsena Malalaka book (Tsena Malalaka December 2015), with the contribution of several members from Africa and Europe. Edited by Verena Naegeli, Josée Ngalula, Ina Praetorius Brigitte Rabarijaona 

Members meet at Geneva

19 mars 2015: Tsena Malalaka member Yvette Rabemila et Brigitte Rabarijaona meet Nyambura Njoroge and Fulata Moyo at the WCC in Geneva. Nyambura Njoroge will write a response for our first Tsena Malalaka publication: "There is something we long for" 

Great news 

March 8, 2015: Great news: Tsena Malalaka members Yvette Rabemila and Brigitte Rabarijaona recieve in Heiden,  Switzerland the "Silvia Michel Prize" for the promotion of leadership roles for women in the Church, awarded by the women presidents of the Reformed Cantonal Churches of Switzerland in co-operation with the WARC World Alliance of Reformed Churches. The prize honors the deep commitment of Yvette during a lifetime - as a woman and for women's issues -  and it will support the shared project of Yvette and Brigitte in their Church (reformed Church of Madagascar FJKM): empowerment of women minister. We congratulate our two members! 


Congratulations, Dr. Léocadie! 

On Monday December 15, 2014, Tsena Malalaka-member  Sr. Léocadie Aurélie Billy  has defended her dissertation at the University of Fribourg/CH . The topic of her dissertation: La maternité adolescente au Togo. Une interpellation pour l’Église et la société. Léocadie has now a PhD in Theology and Religious Studies.

Congratulations, Dr. Léocadie!

Tsena Malalaka members Ruth Heckelsmüller and Ina Praetorius were there too.

Thank you so much, Elizabeth and Obvious, for your hospitality! 

In November 2014 Tsena Malalaka members Tania Oldenhage and Verena Naegeli from Zurich/Switzerland met Tsena Malalaka member Elizabeth Vengeyi in Harare/Zimbabwe - and her husband Obvious and their son Anesu. They had a great time together. Tania and Verena visited different theological colleges (Verena doing seminars about "Bible and Healing"), they saw many other places and learned a lot about Zimbabwe. Thank you so much, Elizabeth and Obvious, for your hospitality! 

In October 2014 Tsena Malalaka member Verena Naegeli stayed for two weeks in Madagascar having some exchange with students at the faculty of theology Ambatonakanga (about Bible and healing) and giving a conference about "Women and the Bible" during the month of translation organised by the Malagasy Bible Society. She was also there when Malagasy women Ministers founded a local group of Tsena Malalaka.  

On Fryday, May 30, 2014, Tsena Malalaka-member Fidèle Houssou Gandonou has defended her dissertation at the "Université Protestante de l'Afrique Centrale (UPAC), in Yaoundé, Cameroun.

Her topic: LES FONDEMENTS ÉTHIQUES DU FÉMINISME : RÉFLEXION À PARTIR DU CONTEXTE AFRICAIN (Ethical Principles of feminism: a Reflection out of the African Context). CONGRATULATIONS, Rev. Dr. Fidèle! 

Tsena Malalaka members living in Switzerland 

On Monday, May 5, 2014, the Tsena Malalaka-Members living in Switzerland had a meeting in Zurich in order to discuss further steps of our book-project: "There is something we long for/Nous avons un désir...". Afterwards there was  a Good-Bye-Party for Brigitte Rabarijaona including the celebration of her PhD. She will return to Madagascar in the beginning of June. We'll miss you in Switzerland, Brigitte! 

On Thursday, April 17, 2014, Tsena Malalaka-member Brigitte Rabarijaona   has defended her dissertation at the faculty of theology, University of Geneva . The topic of her dissertation is: "La figure de Néhémie et la formation de son mémoire. Une lecture sociohistorique.“ 

Congratulations, Dr. Rev. Brigitte! 

In April 2014, Evelyne Zinsstag, member of Tsena Malalaka has started working as assistant to Claudia Bandixen, Director of Mission 21, in Basel. She stewarded the mission synod in June 2014. She will help as steward during the 200 year jubilee of “Basel Mission 21” in 2015. 

Tsena Malalaka-meeting in Zurich

On Monday, 13th of January 2014 we had a Tsena Malalaka-meeting in Zurich. In the morning we listened to Dr. Amélé Ekué from Togo, professor of ecumenical ethics in Bossey/Geneva. She talked about her experiences of teaching in an intercultural context, considering three aspects: vulnerability, diversity and unity.

In the after-noon we worked on our book-project: There is something we long for / Nous avons un désir... 


Some malagasy women ministers met in Amboasarikely, Antananarivo 

On  december 5, 2013 some malagasy women ministers met in Amboasarikely, Antananarivo discussing about  the book project of Tsena Malalaka and the possibility of creating a group Tsena Malalaka in Madagascar. The Tsena Malalaka members Yvette Rabemila,   Juliette Razafiarisoa, and Brigitte Rabarijaona were also present at this meeting.  

In October 2013 Tsena Malalaka member Tania Oldenhage completed her "Habilitation" at the University of Basel/CH. In her research project she examined the reception history of the NT- Passion narratives during and after the Shoah. She is now "Dr. habil." This title makes her part of the teaching staff of the University. 

Congratulations Tania! 

On September 23, 2013, in Zurich, Sr. Léocadie Aurélie Billy from Togo who is doing a PhD in the university of Freiburg (CH)  talked about her research subject: the situation  of girls/very young women who are already mother - in the society of Togo.

Her presentation is entitled: "Child, she is mother. Myth or reality? Woman, what are you saying about it?" 

Brigitte Rabarijaona moderated the session.

International meeting of SBL(society of biblical literature) in St. Andrews, Scotland 

From July 8 to July 11, 2013 Tsena Malalaka-members Stephanie Feder and Brigitte Rabarijaona attended the international meeting of SBL(society of biblical literature) in St. Andrews, Scotland. Brigitte presented a paper on Women in the Book of Nehemiah. She had also the opportunity to discuss with the woman (Bosadi!) theologian, Professor Masenya Madipoane  from the university of South Africa who was present during her presentation. 

On June 25, 2013, Tsena Malalaka-member  Brigitte Rabarijaona presented a portion of her PhD-subject during a Tsena Malalaka-Meeting in Zurich. 

She talked about: "Women in the book of Nehemiah"

biblical perspective and attempt of contextualization (Madagascar)

Moni Egger  was the moderator.

The association of women theologians of Madagascar had a meeting 

On February 14, the association of women theologians of Madagascar had a meeting. It started with a worship led by Esther Ravololoson, the preacher was Juliette Razafiarisoa. After the service, some members shared their experiences: Yvette Rabemila talked about the new version of the Malagasy Bible, she was part of the translation team. Lalanirina Rakotoarisoa talked about her last trip to Israel. The meeting ended happily by a gift exchange among the members. 

A small "Tsena Malalaka-summit-Kin" 

On February 13, 2013 Tsena Malalaka members Ina Praetorius and Verena Naegeli from Switzerland and Tsena Malalaka members Josée Ngalula and Eulalie Kitenga from Congo RDC have met in the house of Heidi Kabangu in Kinshasa for a small "Tsena Malalaka-summit-Kin". Among other matters they discussed about a future publication-project. 

A conference with Sr. Josée Ngalula 

A conference with Tsena Malalaka-member Sr. Josée Ngalula from Kinshasa, Congo RDC took place on 11/12 January, 2013 in Lucerne, Switzerland – Conference oragnized in cooperation with the "Romero-house. It was a great moment of intercultural exchange and encounter. Our issues: Tendencies of African Theology of Women and: Intercultural Debate about the initiations of women: What makes a woman a woman?

There were also responses from Fidèle Houssou Gandonou, Susanne Kunz and Tania Oldenhage.

You can access to the handouts (in french and german) by clicking here

For more informations about Josée Ngalula: 


Sunday-service in Zürich-Fluntern 

The day after the conference Fidèle Houssou Gandonou took part in the sunday-service in Zürich-Fluntern, together with Tania Oldenhage who was in charge as Minister. The theme: Hagar. Also Brigitte Rabarijaona and Verena Naegeli were there. 

Then on monday Fidèle has been initiated to the swiss-snow!  

Weekend and meeting Tsena Malalaka Switzerland on February 25, 26 and 27, 2012 in Einsiedeln / Preda and Zürich!

Fidèle Fifame Houssou Gandonou

Fidèle Fifame Houssou Gandonou, Tsena Malalaka member from Benin has arrived in  september 2012 in the Protestant Institute of Theology in Paris for some months of research. Welcome Fidèle and have a fruitful stay in Paris!  

Brigitte Rabarijaona

Brigitte Rabarijaona, membre de Tsena Malalaka, est revenue en Suisse le 9 septembre 2012 de son séjour à Madagascar pour finir ses études de doctorat à Lausanne. Elle a amené deux nouveaux livres malgaches: Taom-pitahiana 40 nahazoana nananompo, écrit par le membre de Tsena Malalaka Yvette Rabemila, un récit sur sa vie de Pasteure dans l'Eglise FJKM à l'occasion du 40ème anniversaire de sa consécration, et puis Ny Baiboly, une Bible malgache révisée quant à la traduction - à laquelle ont participé aussi bien Yvette Rabemila que Brigitte Rabarijaona. Félicitation pour le grand et le petit livre! (du dernier nous attendons la traduction en français ou anglais).

A bilingual and intercultural worship service

A bilingual and intercultural worship service took place on July 15, 2012 in Zürich-Wiedikon, Switzerland. The two Pastors were the members of Tsena malalaka Brigitte Rabarijaona and Verena Naegeli

Tsena malalaka meeting 

June 18, 2012  there has been a local Tsena malalaka meeting in Zürich, Switzerland. 

Tania Oldenhage spoke about: "Jesus and the Jews; a postholocaust/ postcolonial discussion“  (refering to a Roundtable Discussion on the topic “Antijudaism and Postcolonial Biblical Interpretation.” , published In 2004, in: Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion). We had a challenging discussion.   

The 12th of June, after 3 years in Bamberg, TM-Member Elizabeth Vengeyi returned  together with her husband Obvious and her son Anesu to Harare, Zimbabwe. Good luck, Elizabeth. We hope to hear from you soon! 

Conference of the SITP (international - French speaking - society of practical theology)

During the conference of the SITP (international (French-speaking) society of practical theology) in Beirut, in Lebanon, May 9-14, 2012, the two members of Tsena Malalaka met: Jeanne Mujijima Machumu (Congo DRC) and Verena Naegeli (Switzerland ) (here in Balbek)

"Bread for all"-service, at Zürich-Hottingen 

Tsena Malalaka-members Heidrun Suter-Richter and Brigitte Rabarijaona were sharing responsability

 for the morning service on Sunday 18th march ("Bread for all"-service), at Zürich-Hottingen. A malagasy choral was singing and we also had the visit of  Sister Razafindrariza, of Mamre/Antananarivo. TM-member Verena Naegeli was doing some translation. 

Belaynesh Abiyo presented her research on ethiopian proverbs. 

Week-End and meeting Tsena Malalaka Switzerland in Einsiedeln/Preda and Zürich on february 25, 26, and 27

1st Congress of the African Diaspora of Switzerland

SATURDAY, 03/03/2012, will take place the 1st CONGRESS OF THE AFRICAN DIASPORA OF SWITZERLAND, at UNIA Saal, Weltpoststr. 20, 3000 Bern 15, Tram 8 (Saali) at Bern station to Egghözli

Meeting of Malagasy women pastors in Antananarivo

On the occasion of the new year, a meeting of Malagasy women pastors in Antananarivo, Thursday, February 9, 2012! Tsena Malalaka members were there.

Tsena Malalaka members in Wattwil

The first of January 2012 Tsena Malalaka members Elizabeth Vengeyi and Ina Praetorius - together with their husbands Obvious and Hansjörg  – were sharing responsability for the  morning service in Wattwil/Switzerland, where Ina and Hansjörg are living. The Praetorius family had invited the Vengeiy  family (from Zimbabwe, studying at Bamberg) for Silvester 2011/2012. On the right you see also their little boy Anesu. 


From October 18 to 21 Yvette Rabemila from Madagascar, member of Tsena Malalaka, was visiting Zurich. She also met other members.

Thank you, Yvette, for making this "trip detour"!

Yvette is celebrating the 40th anniversary of her ministry this year! Cults, conferences and a craft exhibition are organized from 19 to 30 November 2011 in Antananarivo for this occasion. For more info, see

Happy birthday Yvette, Tsena Malalaka rejoices with you!

Conference in Basel

There was an interesting conference from october 14th till 16th, 2011, in Basel !

Belaynesh Abiyo introduced Tsena Malalaka on the conference. 

Brigitte Rabarijaona

Brigitte Rabarijaona has returned from her few weeks trip to Madagascar!

Tonga soa!

International women's meeting in Neuendettelsau Germany

In october Ina Praetorius has participated in an international women's meeting in Neuendettelsau/Germany (Mission Department of the Protestant Church of Bavaria):

Among the speakers were Mary Leiser (theologian/head of women's desk, Lutheran Church of Tanzania) and Oretha Miller Davis (theologian/pastor, Lutheran Church of Liberia) who both reported on the situation of women in their churches.

Tsena Malalaka-members and other interested women theologian colleagues met in Zürich

Monday 29th of August 2011 Tsena Malalaka-members and other interested women theologian colleagues met in Zürich. We heard a conference from TM-member Elizabeth Vengeyi, (Simbabwe/Bamberg). She spoke about her research on the theological and cultural background of an African initiated Church in Simbabwe as to gender-questions and the situation of women and she proposed her own theological approach.

We had good discussions and a good time together!   

Tsena Malalaka meeting

Monday July 18, 2011, some members of Tsena Malalaka met at Ina Praetorius in Wattwil / CH, on the occasion of Sister Josée Ngalula's visit to Switzerland. They also visited the birthplace of the Swiss reformer Huldrych Zwingli, in Wildhaus / CH

Soeur Josée Ngalula

Soeur Josée Ngalula du Congo (RDC), membre de Tsena malalaka, était en visite en Suisse en juillet 2011.

Together with our member Ina Praetorius (who has been elected as a member of the support committee) and Belaynesh Abiyo from Ethiopia, she has participated in the YWCA world council, „Women Creating a Safe World“.

You can find all  informations about this big conference here:

Thank you Josée ! 

Musa W. Dube

The 2nd of July 2011, Musa W. Dube, woman thelogian from Gabarone (University of Botswana/ New Testament Studies) spoke in a New Testament conference at Bamberg, Germany where she is actually doing research work.

Her theme was: "Exegeting the Darkness: Super-Stitious Biblical Readings"

Some Tsena Malalaka members were there! 

Tania Oldenhange

On June 12, 2011 (Pentecost), Tania Oldenhange, member of Tsena Malalaka, was officially installed as Pasteur in Zürich-Fluntern / CH.

Association of  Women Ministers of the FJKM

On the occasion of Mother's Day, the Association of Pastoral Women of the FJKM (Madagascan Reformed Church) organized a sale of packed baskets in downtown Antananarivo on May 28, 2011. This activity aims to bring together funds to subsidize women pastors who work in landlocked areas and who find it very difficult to reach our annual meeting. The National Executive Office of this Association aims to reduce the costs of rural parishes so that any female pastor can attend the Annual Meeting. This Assembly is an opportunity to meet, share, exchange, listen and also capacity building.

Tsena Malalaka-Member Juliette Razafiarisoa (Secretary of the Association of Pastoral Women FJKM of Madagascar)

Synod for Women

Tsena Malalaka members resident in Switzerland actively participated in the Synod for Women which took place in Zürich on Saturday May 21, 2011. (Note: not all the members present at the synod are in this photo)

Verena Naegeli

Verena Naegeli returned well at the end of April 2011 from her trip to Madagascar. There she studied and observed contextual approaches to the Bible in different environments: Revival center, theological faculty, theological college, association of theological women.

Brigitte Rabarijaona

February 16, 2011 Tsena Malalaka-member Brigitte Rabarijaona from Madagascar arrived in Geneva / Lausanne - to continue her doctoral studies (on the book of Nehemiah). She studied at the Faculty of Theology in Geneva. It was a long way to get there ...!

Tsena Malalaka CH-members met in Zürich

The 18th of January 2011 Tsena Malalaka CH-members met in Zürich for a theological exchange. They discussed the article of the South African theologian Jonathan Draper: Confessional Western text.centered biblical interpretation and oral or residual-oral context.

You find the article in the hut: biblical text, project: orality and literacy.  

Fidele Fifame Houssou Gandonou

Fidele Fifame Houssou Gandonou, after obtaining her DETA at the Faculty of Theology, Yaoundé / Cameroon, completed a training in librarianship in October 2010. She is now continuing her doctoral studies on feminism.

Ina Praetorius' new book

Ina Praetorius' new book "Ich glaube an Gott und so weiter ... Eine Auslegung des Glaubensbekenntnisses" ("I believe in God and so on ... an interpretation of the creed") was published in February 2011:

In this book Ina talks, among other things, about certain experiences she has had in Africa (Congo DRC). For the moment this book is published in German only, but Ina is looking for a possibility to have it translated into French.

Wanted: A French-speaking person who understands German and who can translate. Contact Tsena Malalaka (contact) or Ina directly if you have an idea!

Websites recommended by Tsena Malalaka members with interesting informations, texts...