Conference Hut

In the purple hut, we shelter and discuss ideas for euro-african conferences

Empowering Women Theologians

Tsena Malalaka is taking action to offer a few women theologians from African and European contexts the opportunity to attend an international conference. We plan to offer them an enriching experience that will foster their professional development and enable them to make a significant contribution to their fields of expertise. 

In the purple hut, we shelter and discuss:

"Women, Theology and Feminism in Africa and Europe", public conference, Antananarivo, 19 September 2019. 

Intercultural Seminar ! Madagascar, September 17 - 23, 2019

Follow Tsena Malalaka news or contact us for more information.

The texts of the seminar in Madagascar on "Listening" are available 

A conference  with Tsena Malalaka-member Sr. Josée Ngalula from Kinshasa, Congo RDC, in cooperation with the "Romero-house, took place on 11/12 January, 2013 in Lucerne, Switzerland – . It was a great moment of intercultural exchange and encounter. Our issues: 

There  were also responses from Fidèle Houssou Gandonou, Susanne Kunz and Tania Oldenhage.

To read the handout (in French and German) of this conference, click here

Do you have any propositions or questions?

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