
Ina Praetorius

Ina Praetorius, Dr. theol., theologian and linguist, born 1956 in Karlsruhe/Germany made her first African experience in 2008 in Kinshasa/RDC. Invited by the school „Les Gazelles“ ( she spent four months in this huge city looking around, trying to understand, coming to know and visiting people in their homes, reading books and writing texts. In 2010, 2013 and 2015 she spent more time there, now making first teaching experiences: in connection with a book project she organized three workshops on the Apostles’ Creed, at the end of which all participants wrote their own personal creed. In 2013 she wrote a chapter of her book „Erbarmen“ (Gütersloh 2014) in Kinshasa. She is now extensively reading about African, particularly Congolese theology and culture and is processing her impressions in texts that can be found on her trilingual website: